Yesterday it was time for Mexican fashion crowd to get together and enjoy the best parts of Tequilalandia's top designer's Spring/Summer 2013 looks.
Here a little sneak peak to the day and my favorite designers catwalks.
The day started with a little shoe emergency!
My best gal Lorena's YSL Tributes heel tap went missing
and we had to find a shoemaker to fix it.
Luckily there was a real "Suutari-on-the-go" -van close
and the catastrophe was avoided. |
The venue was a nice colonial styled ball room in the hippy Roma. |
Mexican gift to the fashion world, Gianfranco Reni,
showed his beachier side this summer |
Gianfranco Reni. The bird figures are all hand painted. |
It was a great pleasure to find Ashley waking at Gianfranco's show by surprise.
She is a gorgeous redhead Texan model
my talented make-up artist friend Lorena works with. |
I died a little when saw this purple dress. It needs to live in my closet! |
Everything, even the shoes were Mexican design.
Altura 7 is one of the best heel makers in the country.
I own a pair, but was left longing for these neon green babies... |
With the maestro Gianfranco Reni himself.
All girls should wear this former Alexander McQueen -assistant's clothes!
Me wearing vintage Maria Isabel corset top, BGBC MaxAzria pants and Chanel-bag | | | |
Everything seen on the catwalk was on sale at the showroom |
Here how catwalk looks on real people!
Lorena in Sandra Weil. And the bad luck Tributes... |
Easy breezy moments between shows |
My new designer crush, Sandra Weil.
She is a Peruvian living and working in Mexico.
Totally amazing pieces like this harem jumper. |
Another stunning piece from Sandra Weil. The top is red leather. |
The event organizer
, Compra Moda Nacional,
an organization with a mission to promote and bring consumers closer to Mexican Fashion has rocket-like gained it's role as The Force when talking about getting visibility and sales for Mexican Fashion industry. (Finns, this is what 's lacking up north...)
It's so refreshing to attend perfectly organized catwalks with quality designers combined with interesting conferences around the theme. Also, though a little dangerous, I really loved this year the possibility to shop all the clothes shown on catwalk right after the show in a exclusive showroom. Clever as f*ck!
Another nice detail was the atmosphere. It was completely lacking that obnoxious snooty Fashion Queen air that unfortunately is many times present when a bunch of industry people get together. Probably the amazing DJ, cool venue and free Herradura Tequila bar had something to do with the relaxed, almost lounge-like atmosphere yesterday...
//Sama suomeksi
Eilen nautiskeltiin Meksikon muotipossen kanssa maan top-suunnittelijoiden SS13 lookeista.
Meksikon muotipromootio-organisaation, Compra Moda Nacionalin järkkäämässä eventissä oli yhdistelty muotinäytöksiin aiheen tiimoilta konferensseja loistavine puhujineen. Lisäksi ulkona soitteli iloinen DJ ja baari tarjoili hellesäässä tärkeitä virvokkeita... Tilaisuudessa yhdistyi juuri oikealla tavalla ammattimainen järjestely ja kiinnostavuus kera loistavan fiiliksen!
Tämä Compra Moda Nacional on muuten ihan parissa vuodessa saavuttanut Meksikossa ennenkuulumattoman aseman mitä tulee paikallisen muotiteollisuuden ja suunnittelijoiden promoamiseen. Tekijät ovat rautaisia ammattilaisia, ja ottamalla kunnon tekemisen meiningin he ovat alkaneet ihan oikeasti samaan kassakoneet kilisemään ja paikallisen muodin pikkuhiljaa nuosemaan tavallisen kaduntallaajan tietoisuuteen.
Täällähän noin yleisesti rulaa kaikki tuontikama. Matti Meksikaanon mielestä on nimittäin perinteisesti ollut paljon khuulimpaa hakea se massahuppari Hollisterilta tai saumat kierossa -silkkirätti Massimo Duttilta, koska ne ovat Ulkomaisia Brändejä. Tämä vaikka samalla hinnalla saisi 100% paikallisesti suunniteltua, huolellisemmin ommeltua ja huomattavasti laadukkaampaa ihan oikeaa muotikudetta.
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